Oily hair is often called "oiled" and its appearance is unsightly. Even the most beautiful girl loses points from her appearance due to this image of her hair: she looks sloppy, that she does not take enough care of her hygiene and concentrates attention on her for the wrong reasons!
All women like to take care of their appearance and show their most beautiful selves every moment! We should add, fairly, that oiled hair is an equally unsightly image in a man. However, in this day and age, no woman should have oiled hair.
The reason is that there are no longer any beauty secrets. All the information is accessible to everyone about anything, even to make sure your hair doesn't get oiled.
Hair oiling can be due to many factors such as heredity, hormonal disorders, frequent shampooing or cleaning of hair in an inappropriate way.
But let's see what you can do in your daily life to avoid unwanted hair oiling.
We start with the most common mistake that most of us make. In our agonizing effort to be shiny and beautiful every day, we wash our hair too often.
However, frequent shampoos literally turn the pH of the scalp upside down. This creates a vicious circle since we see our hair oiled and we think they want shampooing again!
So our first and easiest advice is to reduce the frequency of bathing. If you bathed daily or every other day, then change the frequency to 1 to 2 times a week.
During the summer months with our holidays and excursions to the sea we really have to bathe more often. But again there is a solution: use shampoos with a milder cleansing effect. There are suitable products for shampooing after exposure to the sun, the sea or the chlorine of the pool.
It may sound naïve to you but many of us do not bathe as we should. Now you will also tell me what is the mistake we are making? Reasonable question!
Shampooing is a standard procedure where we wet our hair, apply our favorite shampoo and then rinse. Simple right? And yet where the problem lies is mainly in the... Rinse! Most of us do it in a hurry and as a result we leave shampoo residues on our scalp.
Rough and fast rinsing is another cause of the appearance of oiliness in the hair. Rinse your hair with patience and perseverance! Use plenty of water, rinse thoroughly and lift the hair with fingers from the roots so that the last trace of shampoo is removed! In addition, try bathing with as cold water as possible you endure or with lukewarm water winter-summer and soon you will see the oiliness drastically reduced.
Εκτός από τα επαγγελματικά σαμπουάν κατά της λιπαρότητας υπάρχουν και τα σαμπουάν για βαθύ καθαρισμό, τα scrub που δρουν μαγικά με τακτική χρήση αλλά και πιο ήπιες προσεγγίσεις όπως τα σαμπουάν για όγκο που από την σύσταση τους απομακρύνουν την περιττή λιπαρότητα.
Hair oils are a dominant trend and not unnecessarily!
Όλες οι γυναίκες που σέβονται τον εαυτό τους και την εικόνα τους έχουν ένα καλό «λαδάκι» στην τσάντα τους. Τα hair oils έχουν πολλαπλές ευεργετικές ιδιότητες αν τα χρησιμοποιήσετε σωστά.
There are those that offer effective nourishment and hydration to the hair.
It is enough not to apply them along the entire length of the hair (because oiliness lurks for it to appear) but you need to on the ends of the hair.
Remember that the root receives all the necessary nourishment and hydration from the scalp. The tips are the ones that need more care!
If you need more advice on how to deal with the oiliness of your hair, do not hesitate to call us at 2310 254646 to help you.
If again the oiliness does not subside, then it may be due to heredity or some disorder of your hormones. In this case the best thing to do is to consult your doctor.
Read also >>6 Tips For Summer Hair Care